
среда, 7. септембар 2016.

USAR 2016 - Сертификати учесницима (Руски спасиоци у школи)

  EXCLUSIVE! (фотографија је у 360 степени!)

Подељени сертификати учесницима Urban Search and Rescue basic training for youngsters USAR 2016. у просторијама Правно-пословне школе Ниш у Нишу, уз присуство припадника Српско-руског хуманитарног центра.

Док не стигну исцрпнији извештаји уживајте у предностима дигиталне фотографије у приказу 360 степени 
USAR training (Urban Search and Rescue) Every summer youngsters from different organizations and countries come together and train how to handle disaster relief after a earthquake.
Help after major disasters like earthquakes, floods or storms are a task for the international community. The tasks will be explained by people. People, who are ready to perform quickly, even if it means to put oneself in danger. These young humanitarian aid workers will have to work with colleagues from different nations as one team. Young people must recognize that they must fulfill this job later. This is especially important for youngsters from emergency service organizations.
+ to learn cooperation under teams of different nations
+ to handle heavy duty equipment
+ first medical aid under special circumstances
+ orientation in the field
+ communication according to international standards
Види фотографије са прошлогодишњег кампа
 usar 2015. https://issuu.com/ppskolanis/docs/usar2015ppskolanis/1?e=12148343/37645336

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